Our objective
In this pages you will read about Ethiopia, known in history as Abyssinia, you will find all kinds of information, and photos and some pictures by Afewerk Tekle, a famous Ethiopian painter, his women paintings are very expressive.
I have tried to make it as rich and useful as I could, I mention Ethiopian traditions which by itself is a very rich subject, and a mere web site would not suffice, but I tried, Ethiopian Hotels, in Addis Ababa and outside the capital city, one page is just about the Ethiopian History, in another I explain about Ethiopian food, and I took some photos of my wife making Injera the Ethiopian bread, made by a cereal called teff, I mention the exchange rate of Birr, the Ethiopian money,
I mention the Ethiopian marriage and Ethiopian customs I thought fascinating, in the page about Ethiopian facts, I write about the Ethiopian climate, and all kind of facts I think important to a foreign who travels in Ethiopia.
There are some photos of Harar, Lalibela, Aksum, and other places which make it Ethiopian what it is.
Certainly in all of Africa, Ethiopia stands as a unique place, these pages obviously are not to be used as an Ethiopian guide, I have put only a simple Ethiopian map, without much detail, but I hope that overall these pages can be useful to the person who see them.
Paulo Santos